5 Tips for Effective Direct Mail Marketing

With digital marketing increasing as a marketing channel -its easy to overlook an old trusted medium that can play an important role in your marketing mix.

Direct Mail – using targeted mail to engage with your clients.

Direct Mail Campaign Ideas

  • Generate new leads
  • Direct sales
  • Improve relationships with existing clients
  • Upsell to existing clients

Tips for Effective Direct Mail Marketing

1. Data lists – ensure your data you are using is clean and up to-date. Incorrect or old contacts waste postage costs – make sure your contact details are accurate.

Design – make your direct mail campaign stand out -use the design to create your message and brand.

3. Make them take action – decide whether you want your respondee to phone / coupon / contact via web page / make sure they know how to engage with you.

4. Do it again and again – just doing it once does not work – mix with your other marketing channels -it takes 7 touches.

5. Track – knowing if your direct mail campaign is effective,  it is important to track your results – so coding on responses, call tracking number, or a dedicated URL, or special promotion code all will provide valuable information on how effective your mailing campaign was.

So contact Paper Pete today on 07925 252273 to discuss your project further.

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OMMEC is a proud member of the Bristol Green Capital, founded in 2007, Bristol Green Capital Partnership is a unique partnership of over 800 member organisations who have committed to working towards Bristol becoming a sustainable city with a high-quality of life for all.


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